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Fundraising Tips for Success


The right messaging can make a big difference when it comes to fundraising. Set a consistent tone across all your campaigns.

Show The Value

One of the most important things you can do is to show the value of your campaign. Who will it help? Why is it valuable?

Down to Earth

When you’re asking people to give to your campaigns, keep the focus on how it will impact donors and your organization’s community, not your organization. This helps provide a cause that people are more likely to contribute towards.

Get Personal

Your organization shouldn’t be the only group or person providing your message. If possible, include people who’ve benefited from your campaign. Include quotes or video as part of your campaign promotion. This shows the impact your campaign can have.

Goals & Milestones

Your organization shouldn’t be the only group or person providing your message. If possible, include people who’ve benefited from your campaign. Include quotes or video as part of your campaign promotion. This shows the impact your campaign can have.

Celebrate Successes

When you hit a milestone in a campaign’s fundraising, announce it to your community and your donors. This can be done through social media, email, or on your organization’s website.

Set Landmarks

Track the total amount of money raised across multiple campaigns. If you hit a significant amount, like $50,000, make a celebratory announcement.

Timing & Strategy

When should you run a campaign to get the biggest impact?


Depending on what your campaign is for, run it and promote it when it will be front of mind for most people. If you’re a school raising money for new basketball court, run your campaign during the school year leading up to basketball season.

Thank Your Donors

Make sure to thank those who donate to your fundraising efforts.


Send emails updating donors on a campaign’s progress.

Public Acknowledgment

Whether it’s a banner, a message on your website, or a shout-out at an event, publicly saying thank you can create a strong sense of gratitude among your donors.

Custom Email Receipt

Take advantage of RocketJar’s customized donor receipt email and include a special thank you message.

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