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How to Setup a Campaign

💻 To get started login to the PrestoRaise admin dashboard -

To begin creating a new campaign click the New Campaign button on the admin dashboard homepage.

The dashboard will walk you through setting up a campaign, requesting necessary information to promote your fundraising campaign.

Your Campaign Name is where you can quickly let a donor know what their donations are going toward.

Example: New Soccer Goals, Scholarship Foundation, etc.

To help with reporting you can easily select a Campaign Category which are the following: General Fund, Athletics, Alumni, University, & Other.

Enter your campaign Fundraising Goal, while the campaign is active a progress bar will be available to easily see how close your organization is to meeting the goal. Even if the end goal isn’t met donations are direct deposited at the time of the initial donation.
A Campaign End Date is an optional feature if donations should stop after a certain date.


As you continue down the Campaign Info page you will be asked to upload an image & add a Campaign Description. This description box will be your opportunity to explain the need for the campaign & what the funds will be used for.


This is an optional feature but one we encourage you to utilize! Having one or two rewards setup that encourage donors to gift a certain amount is a great way your appreciation in an additional way.

In the example shown we have a reward at the $1,000.00 donation level where donors would receive an Alumni Brick on campus. If inventory is limited you can set a limit to the number of donors who can receive a reward.

Donor Message

The Donor Message setup is the text that will show in the email receipt to the individual donors. If your organization is a tax-exempt we suggest listing the EIN # for donors to document on their yearly taxes.

Click Preview Donor Email to see what your donors will receive in their email inbox after their donation transaction is complete.

Campaign Admins

To add new admins to be part of your campaign click Add Another User.

Enter their email address, name & select their user role type.

For additional information on adding/removing admins and the user role types visit the following Help Center Page:

Pay-Out Selection

To finalize the new campaign details you will need to confirm the Pay-Out Option. We suggest using Direct Deposit for all campaigns as this option will put the donated funds at your disposal within 24 hours of the transaction.

If you need to add a new bank account that is specific for this one campaign click Add Bank Account. The PrestoRaise (RocketJar) to Stripe integration page is where you will be directed to, enter your email address and click Continue. From there continue through Stripe’s setup process.

PrestoSports is not able to complete the Stripe setup for admins, all setup must be handled by the admin directly.

Publish vs Preview

Now that all of the campaign details are set you can either choose to publish the campaign or preview the campaign.

Publish Campaign

Makes the campaign live on your organization’s public PrestoRaise page.

Preview Campaign

Allows you to get a live look at the campaign prior to going live. You can also have a campaign sitting as inactive on the admin dashboard until you are ready to publish it.

The example you see here ➡️ displays all of the information you just setup. You will also have the option to see the campaign public url that is easily shareable on social media.

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