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Event is not pushing updates to network from PrestoStats

Since PrestoStats is a browser-based program any issues with your browser or Internet connection can cause the program to stop sending updates to the Presto network. Those updates pushing to the network is how the stats are saved from the program. Every change in the stats program will push out an update to the network. If the stats are syncing with the network you will see a green checkmark along with a timestamp of the last update that was pushed out:


If you aren’t seeing that green checkmark and timestamp you could be experiencing one of the following issues:

Browser Cache Is Full

If your browser cache in the browser you are using to input stats in PrestoStats is full this will stop the updates from pushing to the network. This is why we recommend you regularly clear your browser cache when using PrestoStats. Here are instructions for clearing your browser cache:

Chrome, Edge, and Firefox


Make sure to select All time as the time range for clearing cache so it will completely clear it out. Once you do that you should see the green checkmark and time stamp again.

Poor Internet Connection

If the device you are using to input PrestoStats has a poor Internet connection this will cause issues with pushing updates to the network. If it’s completely disconnected from the Internet no updates will be pushed to the network. If it’s connecting at some points of the event, but not at others, then it will update once that connection is re-established. If you are in an area with inconsistent Wi-Fi it’s recommended that you hardwire your device through an Ethernet cable to connect to Internet.

With either of these causes of issues with not pushing updates to the network from PrestoStats you will need to make sure you keep your browser tab with PrestoStats open if you aren’t seeing the green checkmark and the time stamp. If you close out of that tab you will lose all stats that haven’t synced to the network. If you need to close out of that tab you can download the box score and full game play by play by going to the Reports tab:


That will allow you to re-open PrestoStats and re-enter the stats that didn’t save before you closed out of the browser tab with PrestoStats in it.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.