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Accessing Advanced Reports

Advanced Reports for a sport can only be accessed if you have PrestoStats purchased for that sport.

To access Advanced Reports, please follow the instructions below:


  1. Sign into the PrestoSports CMS and navigate into a season via the Game day tab.

  2. Click on the stats tab, then click the Advanced Reports button on the far right.

  3. The Advanced Reports application will open in a separate tab, and you will have the option to choose different filters including all, conference, non-conference, regional, postseason, neutral, home, away, won, lost and selected games. To select games during a certain span of time within a season, adjust the date range below the filter dropdown. The default date range is set to the season's parameters in the PrestoSports network.

  4. Once you have selected your filter, click generate at the bottom, then choose a report to view from the list.

  5. You can easily jump between different reports using the list on the left, or use the Change Filters button at the bottom to select different parameters and generate a new set of reports.

  6. To print reports, click the printer icon in the lower right corner.

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