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Component Breakdown

PrestoWeb packages contain a number of components to help you customize your website during the implementation process. To confirm your number of components you are able to select please contact your Project Manager or Implementation Specialist.

News Rotator

The news rotator is a dynamic component that allows you to showcase your most recent stories and display game recaps with box scores. It's the perfect tool to promote upcoming games or other news, keeping your audience engaged and up-to-date.

Static Image/Video

The Static Image or Video component allows for the display of logos or branding, providing a clear and recognizable visual representation of an organization. Additionally, it can feature short videos promoting an athletic department or school, showcasing highlights and accomplishments to potential students and fans.

* Only available on Lateral or Velocity


The scoreboard is a fan favorite, displaying both upcoming games and recent results. With links to live stats, streaming, and game recaps available, it is tailored from the industry's best practices and most sought-after standards.

Featured Athlete

The featured athletes component is designed to give your the ability to showcase athletes' talents to a wider audience. This component aims to promote one or more athletes and highlight their accomplishments, making them more visible to fans and recruiters alike.

Next Event

The next event component is designed to create excitement for upcoming events by displaying a countdown and providing easy access to game information. It is perfect for keeping fans engaged and informed about what's coming up next.

Recent News

The recent news component provides a dedicated space for programs that have a high volume of news releases. It also allows for a seamless overflow of news from your news rotator, ensuring that your fans stays up-to-date with the latest developments.


Standings provide a visual representation of how teams rank in a league or tournament based on their wins, losses, and ties. This allows participants and fans to track team progress and anticipate future matchups. This component is beneficial for clients who play in an organization, league, or conference that is already using the Presto network for result input.

* Available for the following sports: baseball, basketball, field hockey, football, ice hockey, lacrosse, soccer, tennis, and volleyball


Banner components are a crucial part of any website, as they allow institutions to showcase important details and events. With the ability to link to additional information and pages, these banners provide a dynamic and informative experience for fans, parents, potential athletes, recruiters and more.

Photo Gallery

The photo gallery component allows you to showcase game action shots that capture the intensity and excitement of the sport. It also provides convenient links to related game recaps and athlete profiles, allowing fans to easily stay up-to-date on their favorite sports and players.

Sponsor Slider

The sponsor slider is an effective tool to showcase and highlight your important sponsors on your website. With the ability to monetize your website through sponsorships, you can easily link to their website or other relevant information for increased visibility and engagement.

Recent Videos

The recent videos component is a great way to allow fans to stay up-to-date with the latest game highlights and program involvement. It also offers the opportunity to watch post game recordings and video interviews with coaches and players.


The parallax is a dynamic visual component that adds depth and sophistication to your website design. With its customizable features, you can highlight important information and create an engaging user experience. It allows you to layer images and text, giving your visitors an engaging visual experience that tells a story and captures their attention.

Social Feature

Our social media component is designed to promote your school's programs and events to a wider audience. With multiple social channels to choose from, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you can easily connect with your target audience and engage with them in real-time. Plus, we offer three customizable options that allow you to tailor the platform to your school's unique needs and preferences.

* Each theme has the ability to embed a third party plugin of the client choosing if the illustrated social component does not meet the needs of the client

Conference Member Logos

Conference member logos are an excellent way to showcase the participating organizations. These logos can be used to access the athletic and educational websites of schools in the conference, making it easier for fans and attendees to stay up-to-date on the latest news and events.

High Admin Involvement

  • Recent News

  • Social Feature

  • Standings

  • Featured Athlete

  • Photo Gallery

  • Recent Videos

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