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Edit a Registration

Once a registration is submitted, you can edit the registration to change the answers to the submitted questions. This comes in handy when a parent makes a typo or wants to change a t-shirt size.


  1. Sign in to your site and click on the “Camps” tab

  2. Click on the name of your camp

  3. Click the “View” link in the “Actions” column for the registration you want to edit

  4. Click the “Edit registration” link in the upper right corner


  5. Edit any of the registration question answers as needed

  6. If your camp is set up to allow promo codes, you can also apply promo codes to a registration here.

    • Scroll down to the bottom of the page

    • Enter the promo code and select the session(s) you want to apply the promo code to

    • Click the "Apply" button

  7. Once all of the registration edits are complete, click the "Update Registration" button to save changes

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