Stripe Integration for Payment Processing
This page contains instructions for how you connect Stripe to your website for payment processing for PrestoCamps and paid forms via the PrestoSports CMS system. You can also access the link directly here.
Go to Website tab and click on Setup subtab
Under Change Settings click on Site profile
Click button on right side of page that says "connect with Stripe"
This will redirect you to Stripe's website where you can create an account to add your bank account information. If you already have a Stripe account you can sign in from that page as well. Once you complete this setup it will connect your Stripe account to Presto's Stripe account.
Repeat this process to connect additional Stripe accounts to the website
You will receive communication from our Implementation team once the process has been completed.
If you have an active paid form or camp that is currently accepting registrations you will need to go in and change out the payee for them to the new one that was added through Stripe.