NCAA Statistics & Schedule Integration
The NCAA Stat Partners integration allows you to share your schedules and box scores entered into the PrestoSports network, directly with the NCAA. To set up this integration, follow the steps below:
Log in to your website, or for non-PrestoSports clients
(please contact support through this form- Contact Us if you do not have an user profile)Click into the Game day tab
Click on the appropriate season in the right-side panel. If you want to edit an out of season sport, click the "View All Seasons" bar at the top.
Click on the Stats tab and then the "Stats Partners" link at the top of this tab
Click [Edit partners] on the right under Options
In the "NCAA Statistics Database" section at the top, check the box next to "Send schedules" and/or "Send box scores"
Enter your NCAA password. Please note that this is case sensitive!
Click "Save" at the bottom
Repeat the steps above for every sport.
-Once the NCAA integration is set up for a season, schedules will be shared with the NCAA. New events added to your schedule will be shared automatically each night. If you have edits, please edit within PrestoSports Game day, as making edits in the NCAA site will not update your PrestoSports events.
-For undetermined opponents, please use the approved NCAA team name of "TBA"
-We encourage you to log into the NCAA schedule portal to confirm your integration was set up correctly.