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Revert a box score

When a game is inputted in PrestoStats, every time an update is pushed to the network a new version of the box score file is created. This allows for users to revert the box score to a previous version of it. This can be used for the following situations:

  • Need to remove incorrect changes made to a box score so the correct adjustments can be made to the stats

  • While inputting stats the game is moved to the next half/period/quarter before it’s actually in that part of the game

Here are instructions for reverting a box score:

  • Go to the GameDay tab

  • Click on the season the event is located in

  • Click on the Schedule tab

  • Click on the date of the event to pull up the Event Information screen

  • Click on the box score button in the Statistics area


  • Click in the Box score versions dropdown menu and select the version of the box score you want to view. This will list all of the versions of the box score that exist for the game. When you click on a version it will show the stats entered in that version of the box score. You can check the box next to the dropdown that says “Highlight changes from previous version” to help you with finding the correct box score file


  • Once you have selected the version you want to revert back to, click the button that says Revert, click Continue, and click Save box score to revert it

Reverting a box score file to another version doesn’t remove the previous version of the box score file. You can revert the box score back to that previous version if needed to restore it.

Video instructions:

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