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User Management

The User Management portal is used to add user profiles to an account, adjust access for profiles, and set up temporary access to users from other schools/teams. To be able to access the portal your user profile needs to be set up as an administrator for the school/team account. If you are not an administrator on the account you will need to reach out to support using this form to have that access set up.

Accessing the User Management Portal

For PrestoWeb clients to access User Management you need to log in to your website, click on the Account tab, and then click the Manage Users subtab. For non-PrestoWeb clients you can access User Management by logging in here.

Once you click Manage Users or login to the portal you will see a screen like this:

Adding a new user

To add a new user you will click the red button in the upper right hand corner that says “New User” and this screen will pull up:

Enter the new user’s email address, first name, last name, and then click Add User. This will send that person an email with a temporary password they will use to login. After logging in they can change their password by clicking on the Account tab and then the Change password subtab.

Once you add the new user profile you will see them listed along with other user profiles on the account. To add access to that account you will click the button with three dots (edit button) to the right of their name and then click edit profile. That will pull up the profile screen for that user:

For PrestoWeb clients you will see options for Websites and RPI. For non-PrestoWeb clients you will just see options for RPI. If your organization has purchased PrestoStats and has that access setup you will also see an option for that as well. If the user needs access to the Website tab you will enable that access by clicking on Websites and then click the Access button.

 If the user needs PrestoStats access you will enable that by clicking on PrestoStats and then click the button next to each stats program they need access to. 

The RPI option is used to grant access to sports through GameDay. To add access to RPIs you will click the RPI button, click the red Add RPI button, click the Actions button next to the team, and then select the sport or sports you want to grant access to. If you want to grant access to all teams click All Sports:

You will be able to grant RPI access to all schools/teams that the account linked to those user profiles has access to.

Adding an existing user

  1. Click the New User button in the top right corner. 

  2. Enter their email address in the Email field and then click in the First Name field

  3. This will auto-populate their first name, last name, and phone number. If it doesn’t auto-populate then there is no user with that email address

  4. Click Add User to connect them to the account

Edit user permissions

You can adjust a user’s access for Websites, PrestoStats, and RPI by following these instructions:

  1. Click the three dots next to the User you want to edit and click on the permissions you want to adjust

  2. To adjust Website access, click on Manage Websites

  3. Use the toggles under the Access column to switch access on or off for a given site

  4. To give RPI access, click the three dots next to the User you want to edit and click Manage RPIs. If you are already viewing their profile you can just click RPI

  5. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the school name to be able to toggle or remove sports for that school. To add access to a new school click Add RPI at the top of the page.

  6. To give PrestoStats access, click the three dots next to the User you want to edit and click Manage PrestoStats. If you are already viewing their profile you can just click PrestoStats.

  7. Use the toggles to switch access on or off for specific sports and click Apply.

Removing a user

  1. Click the three dots next to the User you would like to remove.

  2. Click Remove User and confirm removal.


This will remove all website, RPI, and PrestoStats access from that user that was granted through your client account. It will not remove them from access they have granted through other client accounts, such as their own school if it was a user from another school or if a user from your school has access granted through the conference.

Setting up temporary stats access

To set up temporary access to a user profile from another school/team for stats purposes you will click the Add User button, enter their email address, and then click Add User. This will populate the name on their profile automatically. You will then be directed to the profile screen for that user. To add the stats access you will need to click the RPI button, click the red Add RPI button, click the Actions button next to the team, and then select the sport or sports you want to grant access to for your school. If you want to grant access to all teams click All Sports. You will be able to grant RPI access to all schools/teams that the account linked to those user profiles has access to. Once the event is over you can remove that stats access by clicking the edit profile button, click Remove User, and then confirm you want to remove that user:

Transferring access from one user to another

You have the option to transfer access from one user to another, which will replicate the access the original user has to the one you transfer access to. This won’t remove access from the original user.

To transfer the access click the edit button on the right side of the page for the user’s profile and click Transfer Access:


Select the user to transfer access from, the user the access is transferring to, and select whether you want to transfer PrestoStats access, RPI code access, and Permissions access by clicking the buttons next to those options. Website access is automatically included in the access transfer. Once you have selected all of the access to transfer click the Transfer button:


You can now check the access for the user who received the access to confirm everything transferred.

Here is a video with instructions for using the User Management Portal:

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