Audio Troubleshooting
These steps will help you troubleshoot audio for each individual encoder that we commonly troubleshoot.
Getting Started
Verify the audio workflow and how the client is bringing in audio into the broadcast
First check or ask the client if there are master audio meter levels in the encoder. If there is no signal, then you need to check the audio source settings. Enable the audio settings, select the correct audio device and turn the volume levels up.
Make sure you have the same line level or mic level settings and inputs in the computer audio settings. (MAC - Apple Logo>System Preferences>Sound>Input and PC - Start Menu>Control Panel>Sound>Manage Devices>Recording)
If there is still no audio you need to trace the audio input cables. Make sure the audio source is connected tightly to the computer or capture card.
If there are no audio levels reaching the computer audio settings, then you will need troubleshoot hardware.
Encoder Troubleshooting
If the computer and mixer are getting audio levels, the issue lies with the encoder/streaming software. Each encoder handles audio differently, so the details and steps are below.
NOTE: If Wirecast does not see the Audio Device, try a New instance. If you still do not see the device as a souce, You may need to create a MIDI.
Verify that the correct audio source is added and paired to the video shot in the Wirecast layers.
If the above are confirmed, Restart Wirecast. Sometimes a restart allows it to re-find devices. Also plugging in things or adding or removing hardware after Wirecast is started can create issues as well.
If still no audio, shutdown Wirecast (Make sure on a Mac the program is completely shutdown), unplug your audio device from the computer and plug it back in. Open up Wirecast and see it you are getting levels in the program.
If still no levels, shut down wirecast again and try opening a new instance of Wirecast. Add the video and audio shot. If you are getting levels now, the saved file is corrupt. There are two options to proceed to next below.
Within Wirecast, you can clear the memory on Wirecast of the audio device by going to Media>Show Asset Manager and select the audio device and delete it. After completing that task, try adding the audio device to see if levels come through.
Create a new instance of Wirecast to see if that resolves the issue.
If you still cannot get audio into Wirecast, you will need to Reset Preferences.
Restart the Computer
Check for Driver Updates and Contact Telestream for Support at 877-257-6245
Production Truck
Verify that the correct audio source is added and paired to the video in the Production Truck Preferences. Confirm that audio is being detected on the built in mixer section
Confirm that the mixer is not muted and/or volume slider is turned up.
If the above are confirmed, Restart Production Truck. Sometimes a restart allows it to re-find devices. Also plugging in things or adding or removing hardware after Production Truck is started can create issues as well.
Contact Blueframe by hitting the Help tab and selecting BlueFrame Support.
NOTE: By default, OBS Studio is set to capture your system default desktop audio device and microphone. You can verify this by looking at the volume meters in the mixer section of the main OBS Studio window, and see if they are active. If they aren't moving, or you suspect the wrong device is being captured, click on Settings -> Audio and select the devices manually.
Verify that the Mic/Aux section in the mixer is not showing levels. If they are, turn the volume down or mute that Audio source. See Note above.
Find the name of your audio source in the mixer. If your audio source is not listed in the mixer section, go to Settings>Audio in the right hand corner to confirm you selected the right audio source.
If the above are confirmed, Restart OBS. Sometimes a restart allows it to re-find devices. Also plugging in things or adding or removing hardware after OBS is started can create issues as well.
Restart the computer
Verify that the correct audio source is selected in BUTT in the Settings menu under the Audio Tab.
If still no audio, shutdown BUTT (Make sure on a Mac the program is completely shutdown), unplug your audio device from the computer and plug it back in. Open up BUTT and see it you are getting levels in the program.
Try a different audio device to see if it is detected in the program.
Restart Computer
Stream Connected but no audio playing in Stream
In some instances, a client will call in saying they are streaming audio and they are getting levels in their encoder, but there is no audio. Changing the format to MP3 or AAC will fix that. If not, consider switching to BUTT.