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Blackmagic UltraStudio Mini Recorder Basic Setup

It’s important to note that there are different versions of this device that work with either Thunderbolt 2 or 3 (usb C size, for Mac). You must use a computer, cable and device that are using the same version of Thunderbolt, or else you may not see video coming through. Always do research on what version of Thunderbolt you’re using and whether they all match.

UltraStudio Mini Recorder

The UltraStudio Mini Recorder is a single input capture device used to bring a camera into a computer. Mini Recorders either use a HDMI or SDI input when coming from the camera and the devices most commonly use Thunderbolt as their output into the computer, though there is also a USB version. 

Setting up your Mini Recorder


  1. Download Desktop Video onto the laptop ( ). Make sure to read the descriptions on the download to see if it's compatible with your computer.

  2. Plug HDMI cable into input on Mini Recorder.

  3. Plug Thunderbolt cable from Mini Recorder into the computer. 

  4. Open Desktop Video from the System Preferences on the computer. 

  5. Set the input to HDMI. 

  6. Open Wirecast.

  7. Add camera shot into Wirecast.

  8. In "Show Source Settings" set video format to 1080i59.94 and check the "Deinterlace video" box (information may display automatically depending on version of Wirecast).

  9. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done!

  1. Download desktop video onto the laptop ( ). Make sure to read the descriptions on the download to see if it's compatible with your computer.

  2. Plug SDI cable into input on Mini Recorder. 

  3. Plug Thunderbolt cable from Mini Recorder into the computer. 

  4. Open Desktop Video from the System Preferences on the computer. 

  5. Set the input to SDI. 

  6. Open Wirecast.

  7. Add camera shot into Wirecast.

  8. In "Show Source Settings" set video format to 1080i59.94 and check the "Deinterlace video" box (information may display automatically depending on version of Wirecast).

  9. Find a friend to give you a high five for accomplishing this task!

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