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Geo Restrictions - Block by Location

PrestoStream's platform has the capability to restrict viewership in specific states and countries. This feature is particularly useful when you have a distribution agreement with a local linear TV provider or streaming service that pertains to the United States or Canada.

For instance, if you enter into a distribution deal with ESPN+ to stream your games within the United States, PrestoStream can simultaneously distribute those same streams outside of the US.

Make sure to enable your restriction by selecting it when creating or editing an event.

Create a Restriction Rule

EP Support Tools

While logged in, under the EP Support Tools tab, look for “Geo Restrictions”.

If you do not see this option, please reach out to our Stream Support team to activate it-

View with no rules set up

If you have no rules, you’ll see this screen here.

Click “+ New Geo Restrictions Rule” to create a new rule.

On the New Rule screen you’ll find a few fields:

Name: Create a name for the rule, viewers cannot see this.

Location Type: Choose Country or State/Province

Exclude: You cannot change this field

Rule Entries/Value: On this line enter the two letter abbreviation for the location you want to block using commas to separate.
States and Provinces:

New Geo Restriction Rule

You will now return to the Geo Restrictions page where you now have a list of rules available to use. The three dot menu button can be used to edit or delete your rules.

Geo Restrictions page with rule

Test Geo Restrict Rules

You can test rules by IP Address here as well.

Enter an IP Address from the affected region.

If you want your IP, visit

Need another country? Try:

Click your rule from the “Geo Rule” Drop-down menu.

Lastly, click “Check Restrictions”

A Green box means you have a successful block.
A Red box means it did not block the content.

It’s important to note that blocking by IP Address is not always successful.

Countries have assigned IP address ranges, if an Internet Service Provider issues an IP outside of that range or the viewer is using a VPN it may not work as planned.

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