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Pay Per View Pricing and Package Controls

 Pay Per View pricing can now be adjusted by You, the Client. You own your content, having control of this aspect only makes sense, so we’ve added this to your Admin controls.20

As a Pay Per View client, you can adjust:

  • Cost of Single Events by Sport

  • C 2reate Day Passes (great for tournaments!)

  • Cost of Season and Tournament Packages

To get started, log into our new PrestoStream Admin page with your usual username and password. Once there, under EP Support Tools on the left-hand column, find PPV Pricing.

If you do not see this option on this list, please reach out to our Support team to add it by submitting this form.

Single Event Pricing

Here’s a look at some pricing set up for Single Events. This is your base pricing should be filled out for any events that you plan on streaming PPV for. If you try to schedule an event that you do not have Pricing set up for you’ll get an error message (Since we don’t know how much to charge).

Let’s take a look at what you need to fill out on the Add or Edit Product page

Event Type: Choose your Sport or Other

Currency: Currently we only support USD

Price: Minimum is $7.95 for Single Events

Presto%: Copy in your existing Revenue Share

Default: Choose PPV or Free

Package and Pass Pricing

New Package

Creating a Package or Pass looks very similar, with a few more options. Look for this button to make a new Package/Pass.=

Event Type - If you do not see your desired type, add its single event pricing first

Description - The title of the pass your viewer will see

Currency - USD only at this time

Price - Packages must be $9.95 or more

Presto % - Copy in your existing Revenue Share

Expiration - The last date the pass can be purchased.

Active - Can viewers purchase this pass right now?

Day Pass - (more info below!)

Adding events to Package/Pass/Day Pass

Season passes auto-add events based on sport and date. For other packages you will need to add the events after you create the package/pass. For Tournament Passes and Day passes

Click on the 3 dot menu on the pass, shown below. Select Manage Package.

Package Pricing>Manage Package

The Product Manager page allows you to see what events can be added and what events are already added to the package/pass. Please note the vNumber represents the event ID.

Let’s walk through each part:

  1. FROM (Date Selector): This will set the start date of the search, all future events are listed

  2. Event Type: Leave it blank if you are selecting multiple sports

  3. Available Products: Search Results that are NOT inside the package

  4. Packaged Products: Existing events inside the package.

  5. Add/Remove: Highlight events, then select the appropriate button

Package Management

Season, Tournaments and Day Pass Creation

Let’s look at how to create packages that fit your events.

Season Pass - Create a package for every event of a single sport for one price.

Tournament Pass - Create a package for a specific group of events.

Day Pass - Include any event on a given, calendar day.

Season Pass

Season passes are helpful because they can automatically include events you haven’t scheduled yet. Let’s create a baseball season pass that will auto add new events up until the expiration date.

There are two ESSENTIAL selections for a season pass to function correctly.

  1. Event Type - The sport season you want, like “Baseball”
    a. You can create passes for more than one sport, but they won’t auto-add your events

  2. Expiration - This should be a date past the last game of the season, but, before next season.
    a. Seasons cannot be purchased or used after this date.
    b. Games won’t be added after this date.
    c. Want people to watch for longer than the example below, like years? Use a Tournament Style instead, shown next.

After creating a pass / package of any kind it’s important to check the viewer page to see if they’re behaving how you intended. If they are not, reach out to stream support with what you’d like it to look like and we assist.

In this baseball example I’m anticipating my season ends in late May or early June. I have the expiration set up for a few months after so that people can still use the pass until then.

Season Pass Example

Tournament Pass

Tournament Passes cover a set number of events under one price for the viewer. This method is also useful for Monthly or Weekly pass creations, depending on your needs.

Tournament Passes can be used instead of Season passes if you want them to be available to watch for an extended period, like years instead of months, for instance.

  1. Look for the “New Package” button, it will be on the top right the first time, once you have packages created it will show in that a section.

  2. Event Type - Leave this blank because we do not want ALL field hockey events in this tournament pass, just the tournament games that we will select later.

  3. Enter a Description that viewers will see, then a price.

  4. Expiration - This pass can be purchased and used up until this date, if you want folks to be able to purchase later or watch make sure you push this far into the future.

  5. Save the pass, then update the contents by following the instructions for Adding events to Package/Pass/Day Pass above.

Tournament Pass Example

Day Pass

Day passes are great for multi-day tournaments and when start times change unexpectedly. Viewers purchase a pass and can see all games on the same day as the original event they purchased.

These are made the same way Tournament passes are done, just click the day pass button also.

  1. Look for the “New Package” button, it will be on the top right the first time, once you have packages created it will show in that a section.

  2. Event Type - Leave this blank because we do not want ALL field hockey events in this tournament pass, just the tournament games that we will select later.

  3. Enter a Description that viewers will see, then a price.

  4. Expiration - This pass can be purchased and used up until this date, if you want folks to be able to purchase later or watch make sure you push this far into the future.

  5. Day Pass - Check this box! (or it will act like a cheap whole tournament pass)

  6. Save the pass, then update the contents by following the instructions for Adding events to Package/Pass/Day Pass above. Add all of the events that you want day passes for, if there’s 4 days and 40 events, add them all. Our PPV system will give your viewers access to the day they purchase on its own.

Day Pass Example

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