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Logging in to the PrestoWeb CMS


To access the backend of PrestoSports
For PrestoWeb clients

  1. Log into your website URL/admin (example:

  2. Enter your email address and password

  3. You will now have access to the following tabs:

  4. If you do not have a PrestoSports login, please contact an admin on the school’s account to have a user profile created for you. If your school’s account doesn’t have an admin you can contact our Support team using this form- Contact Us to request for them to create a user profile for you. You will need to indicate which website/sports you need access to.

PrestoWeb clients should always login to their own website to access and update information on their site. If they login through the non-website user access they can only access the GameDay tab and won’t be able to access the Website tab or website-specific features that you can update through GameDay.

For non-website users

  1. Go to or

  2. Enter your email address and password

  3. You will now have access to the following tabs:

  4. If you do not have a PrestoSports login, please complete the form here to request one.

Video explanation:

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