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Adding a bio

Review our guide and videos below for how to add administrator bios, coaches bios, and player bios for rosters not managed through the GameDay tab.

Adding an Administrator’s Bio

  1. Sign in

  2. Click on the Website tab

  3. The administrator bios are normally located in the information section, but that section may have been renamed to something else on your website by yourself or a previous website admin. You can find out the section where those bios are located by going to the staff directory page on the front end of the website and look for the first word after the domain name which will indicate which section the page is located in. The normal set up for the staff directory pages will show /information/directory/index in the URL path for that page. If it has a different name then you will need to go to that section to create the bios.

  4. If the page is using the normal setup you will go to the information section and then directory. If it’s under a different name go to that section, for example if the URL path of the staff directory page is /staff/index then go to the staff section.

  5. Click [add here] to the right under Options

  6. From the content type drop down menu, select bio: manual

  7. Enter the staff member’s first and last name in both the Name and Title fields

  8. From the Featured in headlines drop down menu, select /information/directory/admin and click “Add”. If those bios are stored in a different named section then you will need to select that file instead of that admin file.

  9. Click continue

  10. Enter content into the appropriate fields

  11. Click the button next to the headshot field to add the staff member's headshot. It’s easiest to find that if you upload the headshot in the directory section or the section where the staff directory is stored

  12. In the text editor, add in the write up for the staff member’s bio

  13. Click Save Changes

  14. If you need to adjust the order of bios in the admin page you can do that by clicking edit content on the admin file in that section, select all of the files, click Stick, and then click and drag the files in the order you want them to display.

    Video instructions:

Adding a Coach's Bio

  1. Sign in

  2. Click on the “Website” tab

  3. Click on the “sports” section

  4. Click on a specific sport section. Example “bsb” for baseball

  5. Click on the coaches section

  6. Click [add here] to the right under Options

  7. From the content type drop down menu, select bio: manual

  8. Enter the coach’s first and last name in both the Name and Title fields

  9. From the Featured in headlines drop down menu, select /sports/SPORT/coaches/index and click “Add”

    This will add the coach to the coaches' pages for that sport. You can also add them to that file by going to the index file, click edit content, select the coach, and click Add:

  10. Click continue

  11. Enter content into the appropriate fields

  12. Click the button next to the Headshot field to add the staff members headshot. It’s easiest to find that if you upload the headshot in the coaches section.

  13. In the text editor, add in the write up for the coach’s bio

  14. Click Save Changes

  15. If you need to adjust the order of coaches on the coaches page you can do that by clicking edit content on the index file in the coaches section, select all of the files, click Stick, and then click and drag the files in the order you want them to display. When you set them to stick you will see the pin icon on the right side of the page next to the edit button change to a lock icon as shown below:


    Video Instructions:

Adding a Player’s Bio (Used for rosters not managed through GameDay tab)

  1. Sign in

  2. Click on the Website tab

  3. Navigate to the appropriate Sport and Season

  4. Click on the bios section

  5. Click [add here] to the right under Options

  6. From the content type drop down menu, select bio: manual

  7. Enter the coach’s first and last name in both the Name and Title fields

  8. From the Featured in headlines drop-down menu, select /sports/SPORT/SEASON/roster and click “Add”

  9. Click Continue

  10. Enter content into the appropriate fields

  11. Click the button next to the headshot field to add the players headshot

  12. In the text editor, add in the content of the bio synopsis.

  13. Click Save changes

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