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Adding a camp


-Sign into your site and click on the Camps tab
-Click the on the Add subtab
-There are eight steps you have to go through when creating a new camp:

  • Details

  • Description

  • Parent Questions

  • Camper Questions

  • Waiver/Emergency Contact

  • Notifications

  • Payment

  • Promotions

  1. Details
    On this page you will add the details of your camp: title, camp label, dates, times, sessions, spots available, registration open date and registration close date.

    Title - This is the name of your camp. Your fans will see this at the top of the registration.

    Camp label - This will help you group your camps. We suggest to label them by sport, but you can create any label you want.

    Camp date - This is the date range of your camp.

    Camp time - This is the time of your camp.

    Spots available - Enter the maximum number of registrations you want to allow. Once this limit is reached, registration will automatically close. If you do not want to set a limit, leave this field blank.

    Open for registration - This is the date/time you want this camp to open for registration. It will default to the current date/time.

    Registration close - This is the date/time you want to stop collecting camp registrations. This will default to the camp start time.

  1. Description
    On this page you will add the text to describe your camp. The brief description will appear on our system provided camps home page. The full description will appear at the top of the camp registration page.

    Brief description - Here you will provide a short summary (500 characters or less) to describe your camp. Don't include date, time or cost since that will show automatically.

    Full description - This description should be used to give fans the full details of your camp. Here you should include date, time and cost. This will appear at the top of the camp registration page and has no character limit.

    *Any cancellation/refund policies should also be acknowledged in this section.

  1. Camper Questions
    On this page you will add the questions you need to ask about your campers.

    All of the "Camper Information" questions (see below) will auto fill from the camper account. This makes registering much easier and faster for parents registering for camps.

    Camper Information - Click "edit" to require/show/hide the standard "Camper Information" questions. You can also change the "Camper Information" text for this group. For example, some users like this to read "Athlete Information."

    Add question - Click the "add question" button to insert your question. From the "type" drop down you can choose"

    • Text

    • Date

    • Paragraph text

    • Tickboxes - check boxes where campers can select as many options as they'd like

    • Multiple choice - radio buttons where campers can choose only one option

    • Choose from a list - drop down menu where campers can choose only one option

    • Text placed in the "supporting text" field will be shown below your question in italics. This can be used to help clarify your question or give additional details.

    • Add an additional fee for submitting this question- This option allows you to set fees which are calculated based on the answers to the questions. This can be used for add-ons that registrants can pay for on top of the camp registration fee.

  1. Parent Questions
    On this page you will add the questions you need to ask your parents/guardians.

    All of the questions in "Parent information" (see below) will auto fill from the camper account. This makes registering much easier and faster.

    Parent Information - Click "edit" to require/show/hide the standard parent information questions. You can also change the Parent Information text for this group. For example, some users like this to read Parent/Guardian Information.

    Add question - Click the "add question" button to insert your question. From the "type" drop down you can choose text, paragraph, tickboxes, multiple choice, or choose from a list. Text placed in the "supporting text" field will be shown below your question in italics. This can be used to help clarify your question or give additional details.

Add an additional fee for submitting this question- This option allows you to set fees which are calculated based on the answers to the questions. This can be used for add-ons that registrants can pay for on top of the camp registration.

  1. Waiver/Emergency Contact
    On this page you have the option to include a waiver and emergency contact information.

    Wavier - If you would like to add a waiver, select "Yes" from the "Would you like to include a waiver" drop down. Next, add your terms and conditions in the waiver text box. The system will automatically require the camper's online signature to complete the registration.

    Emergency Contact Information - Name, phone number, relationship to athlete, medical insurance provider and policy number will appear in this section. Click "edit" to require/show/hide these.

    To add custom Emergency Contact Information questions, click the "Add question" button.

  1. Notifications
    Here you can add email addresses for who should receive an email notification for each new registration. Add the email addresses in the "Who would you like to notify about these camp registrations" text box. You can add multiple by separating each email address with a comma (,

    Type of notifications - We offer three different types/frequencies of notifications. Select the types of updates you want to receive here (any combination).

    • Notification for each new registration

    • Daily summary

    • Weekly summary

    Who should campers contact for questions? - Here you should add the contact information for the coach or admin who can answer any questions your campers might have. This information will appear on the registration confirmation page as well as the confirmation email sent to the camper. Name and email address are required. The automated e-mail response allows you to enter a custom message into the confirmation email your camper receives.

  1. Payment
    Send revenue checks to - Select the payee PrestoSports should send the monthly checks to. If you don't see the appropriate payee in this drop down, contact our Support team using this form for assistance in adding new payees. PrestoSports uses Stripe for processing all payments on our websites. You can connect a Stripe account to the website by reviewing the instructions on this page here.

    Total cost - This is the cost of your camp. Your fans will be charged this amount upon submission.

    Convenience fee - To help make up the cost of the revenue split, some users like to add a convenience fee. We suggest to keep this fee under $10. If you set a convenience fee, your fans will see this additional charge before submitting the form. If you don't want your fans to see an additional fee, we suggest to increase the "Total Cost" of your camp.

    Allow deposit - To provide fans with the option to register by paying an initial deposit, select "Yes" from the drop down. This will allow campers to register by paying the set deposit amount and login to their account later to pay the remaining balance.

    Deposit amount - Enter the required deposit amount campers must pay to register

    Generate invoices - This option is only available if you are allowing deposits for registrations. To automatically attach invoices to each confirmation email, select "Yes" from this drop down. Users also have the option to download invoices from your list of registrations.

    You can enter information to be included in the document such as Due date (enter days before the start of camp and our system will automatically calculate), School/Organization name (will appear at the top of the invoice), Send payments to (allows campers to pay the remaining amount by check), and Additional information (text will appear at the bottom of the invoice).

  1. Promotions
    Here you can add promo codes to discount your campers. You can choose whether you'd like to discount a set dollar amount or a percentage.

    From the "Select a discount" drop down menu, select "Promo Code". On the pop up that appears, enter any combination of letters, numbers and characters to generate the promo code text. Then, enter the amount you want to discount the camper, and whether it should be applied to the whole registration, or to each individual session (if applicable).

If you need to make changes to any step you can navigate between them by clicking Step name on the right side of the page. Once you have completed these eight steps click Save at the bottom of Step 8 to finalize creating the camp.

Video instructions:

Camps Tab

Across the top of the Camps tab you will see the following links in the subtabs:

Add- this is where you will go to build each camp
Pending- this page will show all camps you have created, but are not yet open for registration
Active- this page will show all camps that are currently open for registration
Archive- this page will show all completed camps
Contacts- here you can view all of your contacts (Parents/Guardians as well as Campers)

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