After logging in to the PrestoRaise Admin Dashboard. Click on the name of your organization & select Account Users.
On this page you will see all active account users & any pending invites. Click New User Account to begin sending invites.
Sending a new account invite is quick & easy with PrestoRaise, simply enter their name, email address, & select their user role.
What access does each PrestoRaise User Role have?
Account Owner: Can create & edit all users, campaigns, the organization profile, and billing information.
Organization Admin: Can create & edit all users, campaigns, and the organization profile.
Campaign Admin: Can edit assigned campaigns. (During campaign setup you can individually select these type of users).
Once you click Add User an email invite will be sent to the contact and they will need to follow the New Admin Instructions which can be found on the Help Center Article: PrestoRaise - How to Access Admin Dashboard.
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