Season Setup
Review our guide and video below on setting up seasons on the website. This process is used for creating different files/pages on your website to display information related to your sports teams.
Before you begin adding content for the new season, you need to complete Season Setup to add all of the necessary files to your website. This must be completed for each sport, each season. The instructions below walk you through how to set up seasons for network sports. For non-network sports you will follow the same steps, but you won’t have the option to select your school/team to connect to specific files since those files aren’t networked.
This process will create all of these sections and files within a season section for the sport in the Website tab. For example, if you setup the 2023-24 men’s basketball season it will create a section named 2023-24 in the mbkb section in the Website tab. You can navigate to that area of the site and view all of these files that are created for you through this process.
This information is for setting up seasons for your networked sports (i.e. Basketball, Football, Baseball etc.), for information on shared sports season setup click here.
Sign into your site and click on the Game day tab.
Click on the appropriate season in the right-side panel. If you want to edit an out of season sport, click the "View All Seasons" bar at the top.
Click the "setup this season" link. You will always find this in the upper right corner.
On this next page you will see yellow highlights for everything needed to be set up.
Click the "Setup" button in the upper left corner.
Add your team for the schedule and each stats file (some sports don't have enhanced stats so you will only need to add your team to the schedule file).
Select your team name from the drop down
Click the "Add team" button
Add titles for the following. This will appear at the top of each page:
Bios (your roster page)
Headlines (your news page)
Under Tournaments if you want all tournament events to display for tournaments your team has been added to within the CMS, check the button next to “Show All Tournament Events”. Check the box next to “Hide Tournament Labels” if you don’t want those tournaments to be identified on the schedule page. We recommend only showing tournament events not involving your team unless you are hosting a tournament, but as a reminder that will also pull in all other tournament events your team is participating in and not hosting.
Click "Setup Season" at the bottom of the screen.
Once everything is complete you will see a "This season is all setup. Nice job! " message at the top of the page. If any tasks were not completed they will be highlighted in yellow. You can go back into season setup from that screen by clicking on the Edit button.
Once all yellow messages are gone, you can now click the name of your season at the top of the page or click manage season in the upper right hand corner to begin adding content!
After you have setup the seasons you can update your sports related navigation menus to pull in the new pages you created by following the instructions on these pages:
Video instructions: