PrestoStats Flag Football Instructional Guide
Here is our instructional guide for using our PrestoStats Flag Football program:
Gameday Event Launch
Login to PrestoSports Gameday CMS with your username and password to access your Flag Football season and events. Select a current season to manage your team and enter statistics for your teams events. To enter the platform, click “Launch PrestoStats” for a Flag Football event.
Event Information: Event Details
Upon clicking the Launch button from a PrestoSports Gameday CMS event, you will be directed to the game start view shown below: In the current state, the system is relying on the information from Gameday CMS as the source of truth. Any updates to the below should be conducted within the customize/edit event page in Gameday CMS. In the future state, the changes here will overwrite what exists in Gameday CMS.
Event Information: Event Settings
Upon accessing a not started event, users will be presented with the default season settings. Once the event has started, the ability to make changes to these settings will be disabled.
Game Information
Number of Periods: The number of quarters the game will have (not including OT)
Period Length: In minutes, the duration of each quarter/period.
Field Length: How long the distance will be in yards between goal line and goal line
Field Width: Distance from sideline to sideline
Zone length: Number of yards between each zone. Important for Zone to Gain First Down Setting.
End Zone length: Length of the end zone in yards
Downs: Number of downs a drive should have before a turnover on downs is triggered automatically.
Timeouts per half: The total number of team timeouts allowed per half
First Down Setting: The logic the system will use to determine a play’s down and distance a new set of downs. Options include yard to gain and zone to gain. Typically Flag Football defaults the setting to ‘Zone to Gain”, barring any existing season default settings.
Scoring Information
Touchdown Score: Number of points assigned to touchdowns)
Safety Score: (Number of points assigned to safeties)
Pat Scores - Options 1, 2, 3: (Assigned points for each option)
Default Yardlines
Drive starting yardline: Where the ball is placed when a new drive starts (in absence of kickoffs). Does not include drives that are a result of turnovers or safeties.
Touchback Yardline: Where the ball is placed when a Punt (or play) results in a touchback.
OT starting yardline: Where the ball is placed when a new drive starts in OT.
Safety Yardline: Where the ball is placed after a safety has terminated the previous drive.
PAT Score: Yardline where the ball will be placed after a PAT point option has been selected.
Team Details
Feel free to update your Team color (used when indicating end zone and side of field), or Abbreviated team name (used when indicating which team has possession or executed a play, default is H and V for home and away)
Team Rosters
Can be accessed and updated from the side menu panel, by selecting the team and navigating from the team details view to the team roster view
All players are active per the teams shared roster in Gameday CMS, and by default the platform will set them all to participants. Simply uncheck a player that is active and not participating. An inactive player per the teams shared roster in Gameday CMS will NOT show up on this list.
Add, Edit, and Delete players
Add players to your team roster by clicking on the add new player button on the top of a teams roster. The system will ensure that the player number is Unique amongst all active players on your teams shared roster. Players created here will be sent to the teams shared roster in Gameday CMS.
Import Roster
You may choose to import a roster at any point using a local csv file. The required fields for import are first_name, last_name, number, position. You may also choose to “import many players” through Gameday CMS.
Note on Rosters: In current state, it is always best practice to review your teams roster in Gameday CMS before starting your stats event
Game Start / Play Entry
After verifying your team rosters, it is now time to start the game. Click the ‘Setup Game’ button shown below:
Game Start
Upon clicking the Launch button from a PrestoSports Gameday CMS event, you will be directed to the game start view shown below:
Now select which team won the coin toss, and who is starting on offense (Note: There are no kickoffs in this league), and click ‘Start Game’:
Note: Event Settings are displayed and the “Change Settings” button will direct you to the Event Settings page to make any desired edits. Current settings are displayed when the accordion element has been expanded.
Main Game Panel and Play Entry
The main game panel is the first step to starting a specific play sequence. Whether you’re inputting a between the whistles penalty, rushing or passing the ball, or punting on 4th down, all options are readily available.
Game Control
The ‘Game Control’ panel is where you can start a drive (if the system has not triggered one automatically following a programmed sequence), call a timeout, update the field (yd to gain, ball spot, possession, score, etc.). Please utilize the update fields function in moments of dire need as we believe we have programmatically accounted for the scenarios to automatically determine ball spot and possession based on the play you’ve entered.
Call Timeout: Inserts a Timeout play for the selected team
Update Field
Set ball spot
Set yard to gain
Ball possession
Swap Teams: Changes end zones and ball direction.
Time and Period: Can also be accessed by click on the score clock
General Play Entry
As each portion of a given play is input, the play fragment value is stored and can be accessed from the play sequence breadcrumb shown below. The current step is identified with a red badge over the specified fragment (‘Received by’ is shown in the image below).
Navigation to a previous fragment shown below:
Prior to a play being submitted and finalized, the result preview is presented:
As each play is entered, the play summary is displayed in the play log in the right panel that will include relevant players, play details, yardage, down and distance, and yardage marker.
After a passer is selected, the pass results are as follows:
End of Play: Terminates the play fragment and allows for a penalty to be input after.
Fumble: Results in forced by, recovery status, recovery yardline, and return yards.
Complete: Results in target receiver selection and return flow.
Incomplete: Results in targeted receiver selection and defensive mechanism when needed.
Sacked: Results in player sack and new ball spot.
Broken Up: Results in selecting defender and defensive primary statistic.
Intercepted (X): Results in selecting target receiver and defender including defensive primary statistic and pass target.
Dropped: Results in selecting target receiver and defender including defensive primary statistic and pass target.
Rush (/Return)
After a rush is selected, the rush results are as follow:
End of play: Terminates the play fragment and allows for a penalty to be input after.
Out of bounds: Results in play terminated with force out player optionally selectable. Ball spot is inherited for the
Fumble: Results in forced by, recovery status, recovery yardline, and return yards.
Tackle: Result in primary and secondary tackler selection.
Lateral: Results in triggering an additional resume fragment from the current ball spot.
Pre-Play Penalties
Penalties before the play or between the whistles can be entered before entering a play.
Select ‘Penalty Type’,
Select infracting ‘Team’
Select ‘Penalty’ Result:
Select ‘Caused by’ or infracting player:
Select the ‘Field Position’ (yardage marker penalty result):
Select the ‘Down Result’ based on the league rules of the selected penalty:
Review the penalty Result, and Save :
Down and distance are updated accordingly on the game clock and penalty details are presented in the play summary log:
Between the whistle penalties
You will be provided with the same prompts as during pre-play penalties. Some points to consider:
Was the penalty accepted?
Did the penalty result in an automatic first down or loss of downs?
Where is the ball placed after the play has completed and a penalty assigned?
Currently Flag football can support up to 3 different point after attempts. The yard line and point value for each attempt can be defined within the events settings.
In the current state only the primary ball handler is defined, no player statistics are collected, and the score is updated based on the result of the attempt (and point value assigned).
A punt can be triggered at any point is a down sequence. Calling the Punt function requires the Punter, Returner, and Result to be defined. Punt results can include:
Out of bounds
Fair Catch
General Play States
The following are presented as play terminators (but may also be used as fragments within a play transition)
Out of bounds
End of Play
Drive Start
Given the absence of kickoff plays in flag football starting offensive drives are triggered automatically at game start, following a touchdown or turnover, and at the half. When a drive begins, the team name and game time are presented in the play summary log.
Note: The ‘Game Control’ option allows you to start a new drive manually if needed, but the hope is that you’ll never need to use this function.
Editing or deleting a play
You do have the ability to edit specific fragments of a play, particularly the players involved. For larger, more holistic changes you will need to use the delete command. You may only delete the most recent play of a drive.
To edit a play, simply click the vertical ellipsis icon to render an additional menu to edit a particular play.
In current state, not all fragments of a given play can be edited. Particular actions that can be edited include the players and PAT score results. For more impactful edits (i.e. yardline and play type updates) please delete the subsequent plays that have been input.
Time/Score Clock
As each play is completed, the down and distance displayed on the score clock is updated. At any point in the game you may click on the score clock to update the time clock and qtr.
The current down and distance (of the upcoming play) will be displayed in the score clock versus the down and distance of recorded plays that are shown within the play summary logs.
Once the time clock is updated, the applied change can be seen on the score clock:
The system does not require the time to be provided until a new drive begins or an existing drive is terminated.. Once a new drive starts or culminates, you will be prompted to enter a ‘drive start’ time or ‘drive end’ time..
Halftime, Overtime, and Game Flow
To begin halftime, and changeball possession and field direction, simply click into the Time/Score clock and click into the 3rd qtr (shown above). At this point the statistician will be presented with the following, including a drive start in the 3rd qtr for the team that began the game on defense, and the ability to swap field directions as needed.
New Period Start
At the start of a new period/quarter, you will be prompted to swap field directions as desired.
At the start of the second half any in progress drives will be terminated automatically and ball possession will be assigned to the team that differed in the second half. Furthermore you will be prompted to swap field directions.
At the end of the final quarter, with the game tied, users may optionally progress to an OT period.
Event Progress and Status
On the ‘Events’ page, each event includes a label that indicates the current status (and time when the event is “in progress”). As you progress through the score clock and periods of a particular game, the current state of the event is presented (and passed to PrestoSports CMS)
It is important that the statistician continues to stat the event through the same browser session they began. Closing this window and opening an incognito tab or a different browser can pose a risk of losing the accumulated game result and statistics.
If you ultimately close your window, open up a new one in the same browser and the event will render appropriately. Simply click, ‘Enter plays’ to continue to stat the game from where you left off.
(Continue to stat an in progress event)
Furthermore, the ‘Seasons’ panel will segment events by their current status.
(Seasons Panel)
Once an event has been finalized, the user will no longer be able to enter plays. To obtain a game report of statistics, click the ‘Stats’ link shown below to view the Game box score and individual team stats:
(Box Score sample shown above)
(Individual Team Statistics shown above)
Resetting an Event
If you notice that your event needs to be restarted (e.g.. Erred Event Settings or Team Rosters), you may either reset the event via the reset event button on the game info page within the details tab, or reset the event from PrestoSports Gameday CMS.
If you choose to reset through CMS, please close the stats platform and re-launch the platform once the event has been updated.
(Gameday CMS Event Edit)
(Stats Event Details to Reset Event)
Finalize Event
Once the event has been finalized, be sure to print and download a copy of the PDF box score and individual player statistics. You can also access the PAK file and XML file for the game from the Event Information screen if you need to download those files. You’ll be able to utilize these game files as reports and content that can be added to your team's site. This will also create the box score page and update the stats page on your team’s website, as well as other websites where the game is connected.
Within the beta state (certain stats are currently not reported) you may also view the event box score in Gameday CMS.
You may finalize the event at any point in the game, in case of forfeits, mercy rules, or cancellation.
Video instructions:
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