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Add Athlete Bio (Player Editor)

Review our guide and video below on adding bios to your roster pages on your website.

For PrestoWeb clients, when adding bios in the Roster tab of Game day, you're adding bios for both your website rosters and stats rosters at the same time. We've combined both rosters into one editor, making it easier for you to manage.

To add player bios to your sports rosters:

  1. Sign into your site and click on the Game day tab.

  2. Click on the appropriate season in the right-side panel. If you want to edit an out of season sport, click the “View All Seasons” bar at the top

  3. Click on the Roster tab.

  4. Click on the Bios button to pull up the website roster. The Shared roster is used for PrestoStats, stats files, and stats pages only.

  1. Edit settings - click the "edit settings" button in the upper right corner to choose which optional fields show in the bio editor. For example, "Major".

  2. You can add player bios in bulk by following the instructions at the bottom of this page. If you have additional bios to add manually you will want to do that after you import/add bios in bulk. The quickest way to do this is to age your roster from last season by following the "Import last season" steps below to import last season's returning players.

  3. To manually add new player bios you will click the “Add one player” button

  4. Complete the First Name, Last Name and any additional fields you would like

  5. For network sports with stats (baseball, basketball, football, etc.) you will need to enter the player’s information from the shared roster to link that listing to their website bio here:


  6. You will enter their jersey number in the Stats Player Number field, select the player from the shared roster in the Shared Roster dropdown, enter their Position Abbreviation in that field, and select the Stat Category you want to feature on their stats page and bio page. Those categories will vary by sport.

  7. To add a headshot, click the “Change” button under the default headshot graphic. You can also bulk upload headshots for all players by following the instructions on this page- Bulk Upload Headshot

  8. In the “Pick an image” pop up, browse for the photo you want to use and click “Ok”

  9. You can also upload headshots in bulk by clicking Import Headshots. This will ask you to upload all headshots at once and then select the players to connect the headshots to. You will want to do that after you have created all player bios.

  10. If you have any players with duplicate numbers, be sure to add the unique “Stats Number” before continuing (ex: 1A). If your bios do not have unique stats numbers, the duplicated won’t appear in Live Stats.

  11. Click the “Save changes” button at the bottom to add this new player.

Video instructions:

You can also import bios in bulk:

Import last season

  1. Click the “Import players” button

  2. Click the “Import last season” link

  3. Read our message and click the “Continue” button

  4. Check the boxes next to the players you want to import from last season to this season. Our system will do it’s best to guess which players to age, but please double check the selections.

  5. At the bottom of the page, check the boxes to choose whether you want to import the bio synopsis text and headshots from last season.

  6. Click the “import” button. The bios from last season will now appear in your roster list.

Import roster file

  1. Click the “Import players” button

  2. Click the “Import roster file” link

  3. Click the “Choose file” button to search for the Stat Crew roster file on your computer

  4. Click the “import “ button

  5. On the “Review data for players” page you will see a list of all of the players in the roster file. Review this data to confirm everything is correct.
    NOTE: If you have any players with duplicate numbers, be sure to add the unique "Stats Number" before continuing (ex: 1A). If your bios do not have unique stats numbers, the duplicates won't appear in Live Stats.

  6. Click “Next”

  7. On the “Choose players” page you will match each name with existing players (if any). Leave the drop down set to “new” if this player does not already exist

  8. Click “Next”

  9. On the "Review player changes" page you will see a list of all players you are adding/updating on the left, and a list of players you want to remove on the right. By default, we will NOT delete any players. Check the box next to the player's name if you want to remove him/her from the player editor.

  10. Click “Next”

  11. On the “Uniform changes” page, confirm the uniform number changes (if any) and click “Save”

Import CSV file

  1. Click the “Import players” button

  2. Click the “Import CSV file” link

  3. Click the [import pasting a CSV] link to paste in the content from your CSV file
    3a. Click the “Choose files” button to search for the CSV file on your computer then click the “Import” button
    NOTE: You can download sample files by clicking the links at the bottom of this pop up.

  4. If the data in the “Import Players” box includes the headers in the top row, check the “includes headers” box

  5. Click the “Next” button

  6. In the drop down menus in the far left column, select the correct bio fields that correspond with the data in 5 sample bio columns.

  7. Click the “Next” button

  8. On the “Review data for players” page you will see a list of all of the players in the CSV file. Review this data to confirm everything is correct.
    NOTE: If you have any players with duplicate numbers, be sure to add the unique "Stats Number" before continuing (ex: 1A). If your bios do not have unique stats numbers, the duplicates won't appear in Live Stats.

  9. Click “Next”

  10. On the “Choose players” page you will match each name with existing players (if any). Leave the drop down set to “new” if this player does not already exist.

  11. Click “Next”

  12. On the "Review player changes" page you will see a list of all players you are adding/updating on the left, and a list of players you want to remove on the right. By default, we will NOT delete any players. Check the box next to the player's name if you want to remove him/her from the player editor.

  13. Click “Next”

  14. On the "Uniform changes" page, confirm the uniform number changes (if any) and click "Save". 

Exporting players

In the player editor you can export your rosters in multiple formats. Click the "Export players" button in the upper right corner and click one of the following formats:

Stat Crew roster file (First Last)
Stat Crew roster file (Last, First)

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