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Adding an Event

Review our guide and videos below on how to add events to your sports teams' schedules.

Network Schedules

This schedule type is used for team based sports, such as football, basketball, volleyball, etc. The schedules for these sports are connected through the Presto network, so any user with access to either team can add the event to the schedule and it will add the event for the opponent’s schedule in Presto as well. Any changes made to that event will be on all websites where that event is connected.

  1. Sign into your site and click into the Game day tab.

  2. Click on the appropriate season in the right-side panel. If you want to edit an out of season sport, click the "View All Seasons" bar at the top

  3. Click into the "Schedule" tab.

  4. Before adding events make sure to review the events in the Schedule tab to see if there are events already entered for your team by the opponent.

  5. Click the [add event] link in the upper right corner.

  6. On the adding event page you will have the following fields that you can fill in:

    • Date

    • Time- Enter the time and time zone based on the host school or the location of the event. For example, the home team is based in the Eastern time zone and the away team is based in the Central time zone. The game time should be entered in Eastern time and it will be adjusted on the front end of the away team’s Presto website to reflect Central time zone. If you don’t know the time for the event you can leave this field blank and it will show as TBA on the schedule page.

    • Visitor and Home team names - It is extremely important when adding teams to choose the names that appear in the dropdown menu. The teams listed here are synced with our network and should always be used. If you want to change how a name appears on your site, following the steps to customize your events. If you are unable to find a team name in this list you can reach out to our support team with a request to have the team added by submitting this form.

      • Location

      • Venue

      • Neutral site- By entering information into this field it will count the event as a neutral site event and be reflected in the neutral site record for your team.

      • Status

      • Notes - the notes entered here are shared throughout the network. Customize your events to add notes specific to your site, such as "Homecoming".

      • Check boxes to mark add identifiers/settings to an event (i.e. no contest, cancelled, etc.).

  7. Click Save to create the event

You can also add events by importing a CSV file and following the instructions on this page.

Notes on identifiers/settings


Using this identifier will mark the event as a conference game, so it will count against conference record as well as for stats in conference games.


Using this identifier will mark the event as a region game, so it will count against region record. This record will only show within standings pages that have that field enabled.

Conference division

Using this identifier will mark the event as a division game, so it will count against division record. This record will only show within standings pages that have that field enabled.


Using this identifier will mark this event as a postseason game. The game will still count against the team’s record. If this game shouldn’t count against the team’s record, then it should also be marked as no contest.

No Contest

The no contest identifier is used to mark a event that isn’t supposed to count against a team’s record or stats. This is used for exhibition games, scrimmages, preseason games, etc. This information will show on all sites that are using this event. If an event is an exhibition for you but not your opponent, you can also customize this event to show the notes only on your website.

Neutral Sites

The neutral site field is an optional field that can be filled in to show when a event is located at a neutral site. Putting any information in this field will mark the event as neutral within the network. This information will show on all sites that are using this schedule.


The PrimeTime setting is used to generate live stats links on all Presto websites the event is connected to. For more information on setting up PrimeTime, go to this Help Center page.

Video instructions:

Manual Schedules

This schedule type is used for meet-based sports such as cross country, golf, track & field, etc. These schedules are team/website independent so they aren’t connected to any other Presto websites and will only display on the website they are created on.

  1. Sign into your site and click into the Game day tab.

  2. Click on the appropriate season in the right-side panel. If you want to edit an out of season sport, click the "View All Seasons" bar at the top

  3. Click into the "Schedule" tab.

  4. Before you add events to one of these schedules it’s recommended that you setup the sport name for the schedule first so that you don’t have to manually enter that for each event. This sport name is used on the composite schedule page and within the Scoreboard component. You can set that sport name by following these instructions:

  • Click edit schedule

  • Click Settings

  • Select the manual schedule type from the three options presented. This will determine how you can list team names for events. The first two options are used for sports that have mostly head-to-head competition. The third option is used for sports where your team participates in events where multiple teams are participating. This option should also be used if your team will have a mixed schedule with head-to-head events as well as multi-team events (tournaments, invitationals, etc.). Select the type that best fits your schedule and then click Continue.

  • Enter the sport name in the Sport field (Ex. Men’s Cross Country) and click Save Settings

  • Click Save Changes to finalize this setup

  1. Once the sport name is set click the [add event] link in the upper right corner.

  2. On the adding event page you will have the following fields that you can fill in:

  • Team name- This is where you will enter team names or the name of the event. If you are using one of the head-to-head schedule types you will enter the away team in the top field and the home team in the bottom field. For events where you entering the event name you will enter that in the top field.

  • Result

  • Event Date

  • Status- Used to list the time of the event. After it’s over you can change that to Final to indicate the event is complete.

  • Location

  • Venue

  • Notes

  • Neutral site- By entering information into this field it will count the event as a neutral site event and be reflected in the neutral site record for your team if the sport keeps track of team records.

  • Check boxes to mark add identifiers/settings to an event (i.e. home game, in progress, etc.)

  1. Click Save to create the event.

You can also add events by importing a CSV file and following the instructions on this page.

Video instructions:

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