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Options File

Review our guide and video below on adjusting options/settings and more details on what each option/setting does on the website.

The options files provide users with the flexibility to control aspects of their site without having to know HTML. Within these files are different options/settings that can be enabled/disabled to adjust different areas within the website. Below is a list of the options available and an information on how you can use them to customize your site.

Editing Options

  1. Sign into your site and click on the Website tab

  2. In the root directory, navigate over to the file named options and click edit content

  3. To add an option:

    • Click on the "Add" button at the top next to Standard Options

    • Click "Add" next to the option you would like to add

    • You will automatically be taken back to the options home page. Click "Add" again to add more

    • Save changes

  4. To change an option:

    • Select a new value from the drop down menu next to the appropriate option

    • OR manually enter in a new value in the value field next to the appropriate option

    • Save changes

  5. To remove an option:

    • Click the Remove button to the right that corresponds with the appropriate option

    • Save changes

    • Note: Once you remove an option you can re-add it by clicking the Add button at the top

If you want to add an option for specific sport you would need to go into the sports section, click on the section for the sport you want to adjust, and click edit content on the options file within that section. Adjusting an option within a sports specific options file will override that same setting applied in the root directory options file.

Options Available

Article view: banner score
Shows the line score at the top of recaps that are related to the same event

Article view: headline style
Toggle between options to change the format of your headline in articles.

Article view: infinite scroll
When set to true, articles will continuously scroll through previous releases in that News Rotator or News page.

Article view: layout style
Toggle between options to change the format of your layout in articles.

Article view: play video as overlay
Video will overlay on the article when the play button is pushed. Not available for embedded videos

Article view: show Facebook like button
The Facebook like button will show at the top of articles.

Article view: show box score
Shows the box score at the top of the article when the article is linked a networked event

Article view: show caption
Shows caption on the thumbnail included in the article

Article view: show date
Shows the date the article was posted

Article view: show only body
Removes other elements from the release page and shows only the body of the release

Article view: show photo album
Shows the photo album at the bottom of the article when the article and album are linked to an event

Article view: show related video
Shows the video at the bottom of the article when the article and video are linked to an event

Article view: show thumbnail
Shows the thumbnail in the article when set to true

Article view: show tweet button
The Tweet button will show at the top of articles

Article view: thumbnail width
Adjust the width of the thumbnail showing on your internal release pages

Bio: Custom1-10
Use these fields to create custom fields for athlete bios and roster pages . Please keep in mind, if you insert this in the main options file, it will apply to all sports. Typically you will want to use the options file in the sport section to customize these fields. To have the custom fields show up on roster pages they will need to be added to roster options using these instructions here

Bio: hide photo tags
Set to true to hide all tags for photos that appear in an athlete's bio under the photos tab.

Bio: show career stats
Shows the career stats tab in each athlete's bio

Box score: soccer player minutes
Use this option to show/hide soccer player minutes in your enhanced box scores.

Calendar: show event notes
Shows notes that are entered on the event info page

Calendar: show links abbreviations
Shows abbreviations on system provided calendars instead of full link text (Not recommended for ADA sites)

Carousel: related video playable
This allows the video from an event to show in the carousel replacing the thumbnail of the article that is tied to the same event in Game day

Carousel: thumb title length
Controls the number of characters shown in the carousel title area

Component Headlines
Used to adjust date format for releases featured to the News Rotator component

Component Hero
Used to adjust date format for images in the Hero component

Component Scoreboard
Used to adjust date format for events in Scoreboard component

Component Standings: Fields and Component Standings: Labels

These two options are used to adjust the fields that display in the Standings component. Our support team can enable these for you to adjust the fields that display within the Standings component.

Component Video: Date Format

Used to adjust date format for videos featured to the Recent Videos component

Composite schedule: default view
Can set composite schedule default view to either "day" or "month"

Composite schedule: hide neutral site
Hides info entered into the "Neutral site" field in the composite schedule in month view

Composite schedule: hide team logo
Set to true to hide opponent logo on composite schedule.

Composite schedule: restrict links?
By default, we'll restrict links based on the status of the event. For example, we'll automatically unpublish Live Stats links once the event is marked as final (example). Set this option to "false" to always show all events links on your schedule page.

Countdown: show full labels, Countdown: show hours, Countdown: show labels, Countdown: show minutes, Countdown: show seconds
Countdown options are admin options only for Countdown setup

Landing: Preloader [T2]

Used to enable page that displays while pages on the website are loading. This option is only available for websites on our Themes 2.0 platform.

Mobile: Android Front Row id
Admin Front Row setup

Mobile: App Store Front Row id
Admin Front Row setup

Mobile: Front Row icon
Enter the file path for the image that will display as the icon for your Front Row app on mobile devices.

Mobile: information tab
If you'd like to display an information tab on the mobile site, enter the path of the navbar file here.
(non-responsive sites only)

Mobile: landing headlines
Enter the path of the headlines file you'd like the landing page top stories and more headlines sections to pull from on the mobile version of the site. (non-responsive sites only)

Mobile: landing scoreboard
Enter the path of the schedule you'd like to display on the home page of the mobile version of the site. (non-responsive sites only)

Mobile: sponsor links
If you'd like to display a sponsors tab on the mobile site, enter the path of the navbar file here.
(non-responsive sites only).

Mobile: sport page headlines
Enter the path of the headlines file you'd like the sport page top stories and more headlines sections to pull from on the mobile version of the site. (non-responsive sites only)

Mobile: sport page schedule
Enter the path of the schedule you'd like to display on the team pages. Usually set to either "composite" or the year such as "2016-17/schedule." (non-responsive sites only)

Mobile: teams menu
Enter the path of the navbar file that you'd like the teams menu on the mobile site to pull from.
(non-responsive sites only)

News Page: Default View

Used to set default view of news pages to list view or grid view.

News Page: Show Date

Can be used to hide the date for articles that show on News pages.

News Page: Show Leadin

Enable this option to have the text from lead-in field of an article show on News pages.

News Page: Show list/grid toggle

Used to enable toggle between list/grid view to show on News pages.

News Page: Show thumb

Can be used to hide thumbnails for releases on News pages.

News Page: Thumbnail Orientation

Used to adjust thumbnail orientation on News pages.

Open graph: Twitter account for metatags
Admin option for setting up Twitter cards

Photo album: hide photo tags
Set to true to hide players tagged in photos in all albums.

Photo album: Layout

Used to change photo albums to a specific layout on the website. The number of layouts available will show in a dropdown on the page where enabled options are listed.

Photo album: show captions
Set to true/false to show or hide captions when entered for photos within an album.

Photo album: photos per row

Set the number of photos that will display in each row within photo albums.

PrimeTime: hide enhanced preview page
Set to hide to hide the enhanced preview page in PrimeTime

Roster: fields and Roster: labels
Click here for more details on roster options.

Roster: sortable fields
Allows for sorting of certain roster field categories. Use the list found on this page or copy the fields in your Roster: fields option to make them sortable.

Roster: archives
Click here for more details on roster archives.

Roster: default view
This option allows you to select the default view for your roster page. Choose either list to show the roster in the traditional view, or headshot view to show the roster in a grid image format.

Roster: headshot size
This option allows you to adjust the size of the player headshots (small, medium, large).

Roster: show headshot view
This option adds the headshot view to the roster page as an option for fans to select. Your site will show the list view by default unless this option is added.

Roster: show coaches [T2]

Set this option to false to hide coaching staff from showing on roster pages. Those pages by default will display the coaching staff.

Schedule : Show Articles in Sidebar?

Enable this option to have articles show in a sidebar on schedule pages

Schedule : Show Team Leader Carousel

Enable this option to display team leaders in multiple stats categories for the season on the right side of the page.

Schedule: show team logo
Set to true to show the opponent's logo on your schedule

Schedule: include time zone
Add this option to show the time zones on your schedule. You'll have the option to choose "Local" or "Site" time.

Schedule: Auto Scroll to Next Event

This option will load your schedule pages at the point of the page where the next upcoming event is located. The default is for the page to load at the top of screen and you have to scroll down to view events.

Schedule: date format
With this option you can customize how the date appears on your schedule pages (day of the week, date, month, year). Click here to see all date format options available. When selecting this option, keep in mind if you are grouping your events by month, you may not want to include the month within the date.

Schedule: enhanced layout
Add this option to use our newest schedule layout. This is more mobile friendly and has new features such as the ability to expand events to see related information. This layout also allows you to filter events by home, away, conference and overall.

Schedule: fields and Schedule: labels
Click here for more details on schedule options.

Schedule: group by month
Add this option to group your events by month.

Schedule: hide exhibition
Set to true to hide exhibition events from your schedule

Schedule: hide team stats
Set this option to "True" if you want to hide the row of team stats that appears at the top of the schedule.

Schedule: hide vs/at
Set this option to "true" to hide the "at/vs." text that appears in front of the team/event name here. This comes in handy for sports like Cross Country when the event is an invitational name rather than an opponent name.

Schedule: layout
When not using our new Schedule: enhanced layout, we have three standard layouts for you to choose from. For example: layout 1, layout 2, layout 3. The differences are in how the notes and neutral site information appear.

Schedule: restrict links?
By default, we'll restrict links based on the status of the event. For example, we'll automatically unpublish Live Stats links once the event is marked as final. Set this option to "false" to always show all events links on your schedule page.

Schedule: result format
Add this option to choose how you want your results to show. You can choose between your score first, or the winning team's score first. (L, 1-2 OR L, 2-1).

Schedule: Show Game Leaders

Enable this option to display team leaders in multiple stats categories after stats are uploaded for games

Schedule: show SpotOn add to calendar
Admin option for setting up SpotOn app

Scroll: Scroll To Top [T2]

Enable this setting to add an arrow button that will show in the bottom right corner after you have scrolled down the page. Clicking on that arrow will auto-scroll you back up to the top of the page.

Search: Google search cx code

Admin option used to connect Google search to the website. Should only be adjusted or added by a Presto employee.

Share buttons: show addthis, Share buttons: show email, Share buttons: show Facebook, Share buttons: show Google+, Share buttons: show print, Share buttons: show Twitter
Choose which share buttons show on your pages (example)

Splash: background color
Click here for more information on setting up a splash page and changing the background color

Splash: background color opacity
Click here for more information on setting up a splash page and changing the background color opacity

Splash: links font color
Click here for more information on setting up a splash page and changing the links font color

Staff Directory: Show enhanced layout

Enables the enhanced layout of the staff directory page which will show headshot view instead of grid view for bios on that page.

Standings: Fields and Standings Labels

This is an admin option that controls the fields that show on standings pages on your website

Standings: Show team logo?

Enable this option to display team logos on standings pages and within the Standings component

Standings: division name
This is an admin option that support can turn on for you to show division standings on your site.

Standings: show division
This is an admin option that support can turn on for you to show division standings on your site.

Standings: division name

This is an admin option that support can turn on for you to show division standings on your site.

Stats: hide attendance tab
Add this option to hide/show attendance numbers on your enhanced stats

Stats: hide conference stats
Add this option to hide/show conference stats on your enhanced stats

Stats: show roster tab
This option shows or hides a roster tab on a team enhanced stats page

Stats: show all players

This option shows all players on stats pages even if they haven’t played in a game. The default view will only pull in players that have participated in games and have stats credited to them.

Story rotator: leadin length
Edit this option to set a specific number of characters to show in your story rotator leadin area

Story rotator: show related links
Turn this option to Yes to show your related links (boxscore, video, etc.) in your system-provided story rotator.

Team stats: football - show 4th down conversions
This option will show or hide 4th down conversions for Football enhanced stats.

Video: automatically start playing
Turn this option to true if you have a standalone video that you'd like to autoplay when fans land on the page. This is not meant for playlist layouts or Splash Page videos.

Video: playlist position

Turn on this option to select the default position within a playlist that should show instead of starting with the first video in the playlist.

Video: randomly shuffle

Adjusts order of videos to random shuffle instead of chronological order or order by filename

Video: width

Adjusts display width of video on screen.

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