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StretchLive Admin Overview (

Our new Admin site is being further developed to offer updated features as we sunset in 2023. As features are moved over or created we will be updating our articles as well!

This is an overview of each section of the Admin. Keep in mind this is a growing set of features. We will be updating this page and creating guides as things change.

This is the sign in page, use the same login as you would on

After login you will see a summary of streaming events.

The Features tab has a few options for the player’s appearance and shown features. Most notable is to add your Google Analytics tracking.

For more, view our Google Analytics Article.

Manage Cards allows you to change from the stock image (example shown) that uses your logo and color to alternate images. You can highlight tournaments, championships and special events with different cards.

Generate the HTML code to add your embedded video player to any website. We recommend using the Today tab and all events unless you are placing the player on a specific site such as a Sponsor or specific Sport page.

You can access viewer stats for portal sites only right now. We will add functionality to include any embedded players soon. You can track EP views using Google Analytics now, though. Copy or Download a CSV file for your records.

Registered users helps track your Pay Per View events. This data can help you market streams and manage your customers. Copy or Download a CSV file for your records.

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